Saturday, January 27, 2007

No disrespect to Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert...

...but this is, in my humble opinion, the best political spoof I have ever seen. It's Dave Chappelle's take on what it would be like if the current President were black. From "Black Tony Blair", to the "Black Head of the CIA", to Black Bush's mocking the UN, this is classic.
Let me add, it's not often I could watch something 100 times and find it equally, if not more hilarious each time, but this is genius. It's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it as much and as many times as I have.


Vanessa said...

You know...I have a problem with comedians in general. I really wanted to find the humor in this--but I couldn't even get through it.

Don't you think this is beating a dead horse with a typical, (and politically/socially unproductive) image of a black man?

I have friends who tell me I need to lighten up, this is humor--yada yada. But I find humor to be a seemingly innocent way of reinforcing stereotypes. And how clever, humor is so innocent that people will use humor to limit the groups they belong to themselves.

However, there are few comedians who use stereotypes as a sort of cultural critique, and to expose norms, boundaries, and cultural fears. Although, I didn't find this video to be accomplishing that.

I really want to see a minority serve as least some religous diversity. I don't believe in censorship, but I just don't think this sends out the right message.

Buddha said...

Am I now officially in the wrath of the Colonic? (just kidding)
Post/response to come.

Ren said...

I'm falling between you & vanessa. Chappelle does have some funny commentary from time to time, but instead of saying what it would be like if we had a black president, it seems more like what if we had a president who used slang a lot. He doesn't really seem to address his whole idea that the American people would question a black president more, or anything like that.